The 3rd Annual SIU Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (ASMAC_2022)

The Somali International University (SIU) is one of Somalia’s leading academic institutions established after the central government’s collapse in Somalia. It is important to note that research plays a significant role in higher education institutions’ quality. In that respect, SIU is determined to ensure an increased amount of research in different university faculties. Evidence also suggests that an academic institution’s quality depends on the research activities carried out in that institution.

The Research and Development Department of the SIU organised the 1st Annual SIU Multidisciplinary Academic Conference in 2019. The 2nd Annual SIU Multidisciplinary Academic Conference was successfully organised in 2021. At the 2nd conference, a number of high-quality research papers were presented. Subsequently, the Research and Development Department succeeded in publishing the proceedings of the 2nd Annual conference published. The 3rd Annual SIU Multidisciplinary Conference will take place in August 2022. It will continue to mark an important milestone in the Somali International University’s efforts to promote quality education and research.

The conference is designed to provide SIU faculty members, researchers, academicians and other relevant practitioners to present their research findings to a large audience and experts in their respective fields.

Purpose of the annual conference

The purpose of the annual conference is to bring together researchers, lecturers and practitioners from the Somali International University and other universities in Somalia to:

  1. Create a platform for faculty members, other researchers and academicians to present their ideas, exchange and share research findings and experiences.
  2. Advance knowledge about different research topics presented and share research findings with a broader audience.
  3. Promote evidence-informed decision-making on pertinent issues confronting society and the country at large.
  4. Find solutions to Somali challenges through academic contribution
  5. Rebuild research capacity for higher institutions in Somalia

Conference structure

 The conference will be attended by an estimated 200 participants from different parts of Somalia. In terms of structure, the conference will have keynote speeches, paper presentations and panel discussions each day discussing a wide range of relevant topics.

The conference will address the following thematic areas.

1) Medicine and Health Sciences 

2) Engineering and Technology

3) Education, Management and Social Science

4) Economics, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 

The conference organising committee will review the submitted abstracts. In the event that an abstract is accepted, the author agrees to send the complete paper before the deadline for paper submission.

Authors can send documents to the following email:

For further information about the conference, do not hesitate to get in touch with us via:

Important dates:

Paper submission deadline: 5 June 2022

Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2022

Submission of full paper: 20 July 2022

Conference dates: 3-4 August 2022

We encourage everyone to invite colleagues and other interested researchers and faculty members to participate in this important conference and send academic papers for the conference call for papers.

The venue for the conference

The conference will take place in Mogadishu, and the venue will be announced nearer the time of the conference days.