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About Us

Welcoming Message 

I welcome you to Somali International University. I am sure your time spent with us will be rewarding and pleasant. Somali International University has total commitment to the achievement of excellence in education, guidance, and training. Our prime aim is to provide an environment which is stimulating, enterprising and conducive to research culture and learning experience.

We are living in a contemporary world of progress and innovation, where the keys to success lie with the ability to create new knowledge and discover new ideas.



 Everything we know about today’s economy, technology, engineering, global competitiveness, health and social well-being tells us that investment in our human capital, particularly in the higher education of our citizens, is one of a university education provides students with more than just a body of knowledge or an area of expertise. It provides the tools for a life of continuous learning, the skills of creativity, problem-solving and leadership. Never has a university education been more important or valuable than it is today.

Our commitment to our students is unrelenting. Over the last 7 years, we have invested heavily in enhancing the student experience, including a step that no other university in the country has ever taken. 

We have partnered with the country’s top hospitals to provide a learning environment for our students. We currently own a vast designed Engineering Lab, Computer Labs, Clinical Laboratories and Human Anatomy Dissection.

We have also opened the postgraduate center in partnership with Kenyatta University and English Language and Communication Skills Center in partnership with Makerere University.

The Somali International University represents a new generation of universities. It is drawn from the past and is designed for the future, but it lives and breathes in the present.

Through Somali International University, students became vitally connected to the world they inhabit a world of ideas, challenges and possibilities.

The university will create a new model for higher education where course choice is borderless. Students will be able to study courses run in universities in other countries without travelling.

I invite you to become part of our mission and build for yourself a bright future with promise and potential.

Best wishes.

Dr. Mohamed Ali Ismail Dacwo

Vice Chancellor


Somali International University is one of the higher education institutions in the country. Since the collapse of the state, many privately owned higher education institutions stepped up their efforts to establish faculties and specializations that were not previously available.

Somali International University is a private, non-profit educational institution providing innovative undergraduate and graduate education. It was founded in 2012.

The university gained accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education of Somalia 


in November 2012, and began instruction with 847 students on 4th February 2013. Upon establishment, SIU started with 5 faculties; Business and Economics, Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering and Computer Technology, Sharia and Law, and Health Sciences. Throughout the years, SIU established other pioneering faculties which were in great need.The Faculty of Agriculture was established in 2015 to capitalize the nation’s demand for homegrown agricultural products.SUI has then established the Faculty of Education in 2017 to match the need for a demanding quality and top education practitioners and teachers. In 2019,

 the Department of General Medicine was separated from the Faculty of Health Sciences and was established as a new and separate faculty bringing the total faculties of the university to 8.

SIU is committed to creating a learning environment based on a liberal arts core curriculum that foster ethical and critical thinking skills by teaching students to explore the connections between fields of knowledge. SIU’s education teaches students to be problem solvers.

The university’s lecturers are drawn from throughout the world, attracted by SIU’s vision and mission of preparing a wide range of professional; and longstanding commitment to lifelong learning.

Our Philosophy

The founders, administrators, faculty, and support staff of SIU strongly believe that the Somali people have a right to a good education. SIU believes that through a solid educational foundation and promotion of a good character, the Somali people can successfully fight poverty, and provide a platform for inspiration.

Our Vision

SIU aspires to be the leading source of the country’s brightest, most skillful, and ethical professionals and managers.

Our Mission

SIU is committed to the advancement of learning through teaching, research and service to society, and to produce qualified, capable, and morally sound graduates through educational excellence.

Our Core Values

  1. Integrity and Credibility
  2. Innovativeness
  3. Commitment
  4. Transparency
  5. Excellence and

6.  Professionalism

Our Strategic Objectives (5-point agenda)

  1.   We strive to create, maintain and improve an inspiring, safe, technologically advanced, and accessible learning environment.
  2. We facilitate the advancement of knowledge through a creative research program and academic activities bringing faculty and students close to one another.
  3.   We disseminate knowledge, technical and personal skills through the design and development of quality academic programs, vocational training, seminars, hands-on workshops, and diverse students’ activities.
  4. We apply knowledge and technical skills through social and regional and national engagement to contribute to the process of national engagement to contribute to the process of national development and to the improvement of the quality of life quality of the Somali people.
  5.   We promote Somali Islamic African values, underscore cultural identity, and emphasize on personal and national integrity; we help students from a critical spirit by avoiding rote learning and by offering a wide bibliographical scope in every course.

Special Campus Tour

Campus on a tour designed for prospective graduate and professional students. You will see how our university like, facilities, studenst and life in this university. Meet our graduate admissions representative to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what it the best for you.


Campus on a tour designed for prospective graduate and professional students. You will see how our university like, facilities, studenst and life in this university. Meet our graduate admissions representative to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what it the best for you.

Powerful Alumni

Campus on a tour designed for prospective graduate and professional students. You will see how our university like, facilities, studenst and life in this university. Meet our graduate admissions representative to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what it the best for you.