Center of Distance and E-Learnings

Bachelor of Business Administration

Faculty of Business and Management

Bachelor of Business Administration

Program Description


The Bachelor of Business Administration program at Somali International University (SIU) aims to provide exceptional educational services to students in the field of business administration. This program is designed to meet the needs of the job market both locally and regionally and to contribute to community service. It leverages academic expertise and specialized professional experiences using the latest educational methods and electronic technologies, adhering to quality assurance and academic accreditation standards while maintaining professional ethics.


To achieve local and regional leadership in the field of business administration through the Bachelor of Business Administration program.

Program Features

  • Modern and self-directed learning curricula and courses.
  • Direct teaching via online virtual classrooms.
  • Recorded educational video lectures.
  • Designed according to academic quality standards and references from similar programs in various universities.
  • Specialized academic staff.
  • Program accredited by all academic councils.
  • Program accredited by higher education authorities.
  • Balanced coverage of theoretical and practical knowledge in business administration.
  • Preparing graduates for competition and integration into the job market in fields such as management, finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
  • Preparing graduates for postgraduate studies and careers in business administration.

Program Objectives

  • Provide distinguished education that keeps pace with the latest learning programs in universities worldwide.
  • Prepare and qualify highly competent cadres in the field of management and entrepreneurship, both theoretically and practically.
  • Equip students with skills in English, computer usage, communication, and leadership throughout the years of study.
  • Update students with the latest in business administration through collaborative relationships with relevant departments, associations, and organizations, as well as public and private sector institutions to achieve both scientific and practical benefits for students.
  • Develop capabilities and skills achieved through the understanding of scientific research methodologies, enhancing the ability to meet graduation research requirements.
  • Train students and impart various skills by involving them in specialized training courses.

Career and Academic Opportunities for Graduates

Graduates of the program have numerous career and academic opportunities, including:

  • Specialized Companies: Positions in banks, insurance companies, airlines, hotels, and retail stores.
  • Finance: Roles such as investment manager, credit manager, and sales manager.
  • Human Resources: Positions such as personnel manager, administrative group controller, administrative inspector, and auditor.
  • Resource Management: Roles related to warehouse management, supply, procurement, and follow-up.
  • Consulting: Various types of consulting in different fields.
  • Further Studies: Pursuing a master’s degree at various universities.

Admission Requirements

To join the Bachelor of Business Administration program, candidates must fulfill the following policy and procedures:

  • A general Secondary School Certificate accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education or equivalent authority of the applicant’s country.
  • Candidates will be admitted if they pass at least 50% of the total subjects.
  • Four color photographs (6×4 cm) for physical applicants.
  • Payment of registration fees of US$ 30 (non-refundable).
  • The applicant must not have an active academic record at Somali International University.
  • The applicant must have sufficient proficiency in the language of study.
  • All applicants should fill in the university enrollment form.

Program Structure

The Bachelor of Business Administration program at the Faculty of Business and Management, Somali International University, is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education in business administration. The program’s structure includes a variety of requirements across different categories ensuring a holistic learning experience. Below is a detailed description of the program’s requirements:

No Type of the requirements No. of the Subjects Credit Hrs
1 University requirements 10 31
2 Faculty requirements 14 34
3 Department requirements 33 91
4 Graduation Thesis 1 3
  Total 58 159


Assessment Method

Candidates will be assessed through personal assignments and exams. Assignments, including a 15 to 20-page coursework, will account for 50% of the evaluation, with feedback provided by tutors. The remaining 50% will be assessed through final exams, taken at a university-approved center.


Assessment Method Weight
Assignments 25%
Coursework 25%
Final Exams 50%
Total 100%