Career Development


SIU’s Career Development Center is one of the centers of the university which is committed to deliver important tools in shaping the future of both the current students and graduates of the university.

The center will help in accompanying students through all stages of their career development process in order to enable them to become the leaders of tomorrow. The center will provide basic services of career development programs including the skilling up of the student’s capacity, connecting the students to prominent opportunities, helping them identify their potentials and career preferences and preparing them to market demands and skills.

In line with SIU’s commitment in sustaining a practice of professionalism and impact, the career holds a prominent role in reaching that goal. The center will not only scale up SIU students’ understanding of the market demands but it will also help in shaping the future of the next innovators and problem solvers of this nation.


1. To improve the market skills of SIU students so that they can find market placements as they graduate or within their studying time in the university.

2. To facilitate self-assessment and career exploration in order to enable students to develop a clear career objective.

3. To offer high quality training, career counseling and coaching to our students in order to meet the market demands.

4. We bring employers to campus for workshops and on-campus recruitment in order to enhance career related experiences for our students.

5. To actively build partnerships with employers to create the best career opportunities for our students.