Students Union & Activities

Students Union & Activities

The Students Union and Activities represent the university’s commitment and spirit in creating a vibrant environment for its students. The different clubs and activities established in the university all contribute to the university’s cause of  finding an informed, active and enthusiastic pool of students.

  • Students Union Government

The SIU Students Union and their government is the biggest association in the university to further the university’s devotion to better education and empowered society. The Student Union currently comprises 26 members. The SIU Student Union President is Abukar Ali Dholey, together with him is Abdifitah Mohamed, the Vice President and Fartun Mohamed Farah, the Secretary. Under his leadership, Abukar leads 5 commissions that constitute the union.

Structure; we have it as a chart.

Our proud Student Union leaders and members of the other students engage in many Social Responsibility efforts in the community.



  • Cultural Week

The Annual Cultural Week is another big event in the university that commemorates the cultural and heritage lineage of the Somali community. 

  • Sports Events

Inter-Faculty Cup for all faculties and departments, Faculty Cup within each faculty and Fresh Students Cup for welcoming the new students to the university are other sports activities organized to continue the commitment of the university in fostering a better and vibrant environment  for its students. 

  • Visits and Tours

Periodic City Tours and Site Visits are also organized by the university to create a spirit of cooperation and integration among our students.

Department Contact Info




Sat- Thu 7:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources