International Linkages

International linkages

One of the key strategic plans of the university is to enhance its profile in education and research through international linkages. This is being achieved through reforming educational programs, study abroad programs and exchange programs.

International linkages play an important role in internationalizing our Students, and aims to increase the number of exchange institutions and expand into new countries so that opportunities for connections continue to grow.

The university has established linkages with leading Africa institutions and organizations:

  1. Makerere University, Uganda
  2. Mbarara University of Sciences and Technology, Uganda
  3. Gulu University, Uganda
  4. Universityof Nairobi, Kenya 
  5. Kenyatta University. Kenya
  6. Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan
  7. Kirikkale University, Turkey

The University is constantly building, developing and strengthening local and international linkages with institutes and organizations so as to enhance its quality of education, research, services of the university and to deepen understanding and knowledge of education in different contexts in Africa and the world.