Memberships and Partnerships

Memberships and Partnerships

SIU is a member of many internationally and locally recognized associations and entities to further cooperation with peer universities. SIU has partnered with regional and international universities, institutions and hospitals to build a strong bond with the peer educational institutions.


SIU is a member of the following associations;

1.Association of Somali Universities

2.African Universities Association


SIU has established partnerships with the following universities;

Universities & Educational Institutions;

  1. Makerere University, Uganda
  2. Mbarara University of Sciences and Technology, Uganda
  3. Gulu University, Uganda
  4. University of Nairobi, Kenya 
  5. Kenyatta University. Kenya
  6. Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan
  7. Kirikkale University , Turkey


SIU has an active Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the following health institutions and hospitals.  Our senior students do a one year internship at one of those hospitals.

  1. Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya
  2. Meru Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya
  3. Mulago Hospital, Uganda
  4. Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda
  5. Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda
  6. Kabale Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda
  7. Jinja Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda